The series “The Forge of Destiny,” of which “Battle for the Heart of Verdure” is the first installment, draws its inspiration from a variety of sources. From movies, others fantasy books and videogames, the multitude of influences led to the unusual storylines that are depicted in this debut novel.

A videogame by the name of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 has to be credited with the biggest influence of them all, particularly the “Armageddon’s Blade” and “Shadow of Death” expansions, with less influence from “The Restoration of Erathia.” The dark and ominous atmosphere that is present in pretty much all of the chapters that focus on the undead are inspired by how the Necropolis faction feels like within the game and the might and magic system has greatly affected the the way the fictional universe of “The Forge of Destiny” works. Certain fantastic creatures have also made an impact on the story, with the Inferno faction playing an important role later on, even though it is only hinted at in “Battle for the Heart of Verdure.”

“The Silmarillion” by J.R.R. Tolkien also strongly influences how the story of “The Forge of Destiny” was crafted. “The Silmarillion” essentially represents a fictional genesis of the fictional universe in which the action from the “Lord of the Rings” takes place and, likewise, “Battle for the Heart of Verdure” explains certain aspects related to the fictional TFoD universe.

Dark fantasy movies such as “Underworld” and horror movies such as “Book of the Dead” also greatly inspire the horror aspects of the story. Be it the intense anticipation of what might happen or the sheer insanity of certain characters, fans of the darker side of the cinema will definitely find something to enjoy in “Battle for the Heart of Verdure.”

Long story short, there is a multitude of things that inspired “The Forge of Destiny: Battle for the Heart of Verdure.” The end result, however, has to be experienced. If any of the sources that the novel draws inspiration from happens to be a favorite of yours or just something you like, please give it a try. Chances are, almost anyone might find something to like and something to hate in “Battle for the Heart of Verdure.”

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